








       1. 和北京青年旅行社签订协议。

       2. 旅行社预约美国使馆面试时间,旅游者向旅行社提供以下四样资料:



        C 身份证正反面复印件,复印到一张纸上。

        D 电子照片



       部门 联系电话 地址

       国内旅游中心二部 010-87789401/87789402 朝阳区潘家园大厦3层中段0317

       出境旅游中心二部 010-51281109/87789281 朝阳区潘家园大厦3层北区301室

       团结湖营业部 010-51650220/51263003 朝阳区朝阳北路199号摩码大厦310室

       航天桥门市部 010-51663390/51663389 海淀区阜成路22号航天西招289室

       白纸坊营业部 010-51667560 宣武区南滨河路31号华亨大厦618室

       紫竹桥营业部 010-51299565/88516248 海淀区紫竹院路100号


       东三环营业部 010-67736647/67737647 朝阳区双井北里14号康桥饭店2层

       公主坟营业部 010-51299400/51298400 海淀区公主坟南企业网大厦605室

       中关村大街分部 010-51269756/51269757 海淀区中关村大街11号


       东铁营营业部 010-51269785/51269786 丰台区方庄芳群园4区21号楼


       方庄营业部 010-51291931 丰台区方庄家乐福环岛西南角


       国门部 010-65801930/65801932 朝阳区朝外大街19号


       王府井门市部 010-65267732/51655340 东城区王府井大街


       宣武门营业部 010-51260501/51260503 宣武区宣武门外大街20号


       安贞营业部 010-51269755/51269855 朝阳区安贞里(安贞桥西北角)


       北三环中路营业部 010-51657160/51657180 西城区北三环中路乙6号


       宣武营业部 010-63106626/63106656 宣武区庄胜广场(SOGO)


       中关村大街第一营业部 010-51662634/51660634 海淀区海淀黄庄路口东南角20米


       公主坟门市部 010-51265156/68130859 海淀区公主坟西北角翠微大厦东门


       朝外营业部 010-59251332/59251333 朝阳区朝外大街乙12号










       Beijing Youth Travel Service Limited-Liability Company, established in 1984,is one of the

       international travel operator under Beijing Youth Federation and the Municipal Tourism Administration. BYTS has been entrusted as an agent by CAAC and become one of the competitive services in China.

       By years constant effort. BYTS has been developed into a comprehensive multifunctional travel enterprise group covering different trades and regions, and incorporating receiving tourists. travel motorcade, taxi, real estate, restaurant, advisory service, adverisement culture recreation and etc.

       BYTS has an experienced team of highly efficient management and well-trained guide interpreters speaking different foreign languages. Some of them used to be titled the National Model Guide-Interpreters.With the good reputation. concentrated efficiency and considerate service as its sole purpose,

       BYTS will make every effort to win the world and domestic market.Its main business scope includes the organization and reception of group or individual tourists from all over the world, international conference, cuitural and sports exchange, minipackages, as well as other tour-related business such as hotel reservation, ticket booking and etc.

       BYTS sincerely hopes to cooperate with friends from travel, industry, business circles and social organizations in the world, and to provide the qualified service.







        出境旅游咨询电话:010-67738119 010-67734853

        国内旅游咨询电话:010-87792215 010-87792251


        Beijing Youth Travel Service Limited-Liability Company, established in 1984,is one of the international travel operator under Beijing Youth Federation and the Municipal Tourism Administration. BYTS has been entrusted as an agent by CAAC and become

       one of the competitive services in China.

        By years constant effort. BYTS has been developed into a comprehensive multifunctional travel enterprise group covering different trades and regions, and incorporating receiving

       tourists. travel motorcade, taxi, real estate, restaurant, advisory service, adverisement culture recreation and etc.

        BYTS has an experienced team of highly efficient management and well-trained guide interpreters speaking different foreign languages. Some of them used to be titled the National Model Guide-Interpreters.

        With the good reputation. concentrated efficiency and considerate service as its sole purpose, BYTS will make every effort to win the world and domestic market.Its main

       business scope includes the organization and reception of group or individual tourists

       from all over the world, international conference, cuitural and sports exchange,

       minipackages, as well as other tour-related business such as hotel reservation, ticket booking and etc.

        BYTS sincerely hopes to cooperate with friends from travel, industry, business circles and social organizations in the world, and to provide the qualified service.
